How to Change Your Conditions with Your Thoughts
Next in importance to the gift of life is the ability of
man to think. This ability sets human beings apart from all animals and has
been responsible for the impressive advancement of man over all other creatures
on earth. It’s through thoughts we are co-creators with God.
William James, one of the most distinguished professors
of Harvard, disclosed what he called the greatest discovery of this generation.
He says that it is the fact that human
beings can alter the material conditions of their life by first changing their
attitude of thoughts.
That means that no matter what your physical condition
is at present, whether it is financial poverty, health challenge, joblessness,
under-employment, career stagnation, social rejection, depression, business
failure, childlessness, marital difficulty, educational failure, or whatever it
is, you can drastically and positively change it through consistently thinking
on the opposite of the negative situation.
God regards
thoughts so important that He says in His Word, Proverbs 23:7, that “For as he (a man) thinks in his
heart, so is he…” He further says in Philemon 1:14 that, “But without thy mind
would I do nothing…” As powerful as God is, He is helpless without our
cooperation with Him in our thoughts; it takes the alignment of our thoughts with
His Word for Him to help us do what we desire in life.
How the Mind Works
Let me
state clearly that man is a spirit (image
of God); he has a soul and lives in
a physical body. Genesis 2:7 “And
the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
The organ
of understanding in the spirit – where we know God - is intuition. Intuition is the power we receive revelation or
understanding from God without conscious reasoning. The organ of understanding
in the soul – the seat of self-awareness – is the mind. The mind is where we think. The organ of understanding in the
physical body – which houses the spirit and the soul – is the physical brain. The brain is the mind of the
physical body.
So, on the whole,
the intuition links up man with God, the mind connects the soul with the spirit, and the brain links up the body and
the soul.
The sense
organs in the physical body – eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, hands for
touching, tongue for tasting, and nose for smelling – gather information from
the external environment and send the information into the conscious mind,
where we think with a level of awareness.
estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2500 – 3,300
thoughts per hour. That’s really wonderful. Others approximate a smaller number
of 50,000 thoughts per day, which translates to about 2100 thoughts per hour.
Remez Sasson, the creator and owner of the website,
further writes that most of this thinking is an automatic process, a mental
habit. It is only when we need to focus on some particular thing that we become
aware of the many thoughts that keep going through our mind and attracting our
So every
seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling generates some ideas or thoughts
in our mind, and feelings in our subconscious mind or heart. The kinds of
thoughts we think and imagine in our mind, say good health for instance, produce attendant consistent feelings in
our heart.
The thoughts
we think and the feelings we generate in the conscious mind eventually slip into
the subconscious mind and are stored up there. We may “forget” them in the
conscious mind but they are very much alive in the subconscious mind or heart. That
is what the Bible means when it says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is
he. This refers to habitual thoughts.
Reasons we should be very careful with what we think habitually.
First, God searches the heart. Jeremiah 17:10 says “I the Lord search the heart, I try
the reins…” God takes us on the valuation of our consistent thoughts. Your
heart matters to God more than any other part of you. That’s why He says in Proverbs
23:26 “My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.”
Second, what we think leads to what we say and do. Faith without works or action is dead; thinking without
backing it up with relevant desirable action is futile and unproductive. According
to 1 Samuel 2:3, by God our actions are
weighed. What you think about for long is what you’ll eventually do, whether
it’s negative or positive.
Third, God uses what we think which are in line
with His Word to create for us what
we need and desire in life. Ephesians 3:20 makes this very clear, “Now to
Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask (pray for) or think, according to the power that works in us…” It’s important
at this point to state that our prayers and thoughts carry the same weight and
importance before God.
If you win
in your thoughts you win in life; if you lose in thoughts, you lose in life. Our
mind is the greatest battle field in the world. I’ve also written in one of my
books, Capacity Building for Mega Breakthroughs, that “motor cars run and aero planes fly, but human beings think themselves forward.”
dominant thoughts are the raw materials and the building blocks we put in the
hands of God to use and create for us the conditions, circumstances, and human
connections that will all work towards the creation of the physical realities
we desperately desire in life.
Anything you keep at the centre of your heart certainly
becomes a reality in your life. So dare to think today!
Books That Will Help You Take Charge of Your Thoughts: These eBooks listed below, authored by Imeh David,
will certainly empower you to take charge of your thoughts for definite
turnaround of your physical conditions.
conscious mind
physical realities
subconscious mind