In the world, one of the greatest needs of human beings is connecting with others. Why is Facebook (with over 2.23 billion monthly active users as at second quarter of 2018) the most popular social media in the world? It is because of its ability to get to the root of our desire as human beings to connect.

Over the years, Facebook has always committed “To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” But last year, the mission of this social network giant evolved into “Giving people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.” Perhaps this is graduation from concentration on growth and expansion to what Nicolas Cole calls “helping its users connect and remain connected with the right people.”

The closest persons to you are a crucial factor in your success adventure. They significantly influence you in some ways and you also influence them. Do you know that who you spend time with is who you become? Whoever you spend time with, you begin to adopt some of their values.

The pertinent question is, who have been the seven closest persons to you in the last one, two, or more years? Before you continue, it will be very useful to pick a pen and paper and write down their names and their designations in life. Can you reflect on the kind of impact they’ve had on your life so far?

Mamie McCullough says that “Success comes quickly when you expand your circle to include new, quality people. These are people who can teach you, challenge you, and encourage you.”

The seven most critical, most influential, and most decisive persons to your success, wealth, advancement, wellbeing, fulfillment, and even health are listed below. You must consciously cultivate very healthy relationship and connection with them. They either make or mar you.

(1)  Spouse. This is one relationship that means everything to you and determines everything for you. You can always get the best from it in terms of sharing of vibrant ideas, emotional support, and spiritual encouragement. Your spouse is always the last one man or woman standing. Therefore, marry the person you really love, deeply trust, and will be able to work closely together.
If you’re yet to marry, then the role of your mum and dad is very important. As a young person, cultivate a very close connection with them.

(2)  Mentor (career, business, professional). A mentor is somebody who is much more experienced, and in some cases older, than the person or persons he advises, guides, and supports. A mentee is a less-experienced person who is humble enough to accept tutelage and learn from a mentor.

Truth is, mentoring is one of the shortest cuts to wealth, career success, fame, popularity, and whatever else you can think of. In my earlier blog post on mentoring, I wrote that I was a product of mentors, “Principal among them are Dr. David Oyedepo, Obong Paul Ekpo, and Pastor Nkereuwem Onung. They have greatly shortened my access to success.”

(3) Authors (inspirational, business, finance, health, etc). It was Helen Hayes who said that, “When books are opened, we discover that we have wings.” Authors give you wings to fly to any height you want. Charles “Tremendous” Jones also pens down this living line, “You’ll be the same person in five years as you’re today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

Select authors that positively impact upon your life in the areas of inspiration, business, career, finance, health, and so on.  Books are indeed forces that have the power to start and sustain a positive change of attitude in you, which will culminate in astonishing results for you.

(4) Financial Advisor. A financial advisor helps you get the most out of your money through offering financial advice and guidance on areas of investment. If you pick a good one, you’ll avoid a lot of financial mistakes.

(5) Pastor. Everyone really needs a pastor. Whether he’s called a reverend, apostle, or whatever, he’s a spiritual teacher and guide. Man is basically a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. Spiritual needs, therefore, are vital needs. Your pastor’s role in your life is very essential; he helps you satisfy your spiritual needs. He connects you with God.

(6) Medical Doctor. A competent and experienced one should be able to advise you in respect of both preventive and curative aspects of your health.

(7) Trusted Friend. Henry Ford said, “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” Connect with a true friend who constantly adds to your life instead of subtracting from it. You too should be increasingly adding value to the life of your friend.

Jim Rohn says that the questions that will help determine the most essential fellows in your life are: “Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming?”

In the final analysis, it’s in relation to the seven persons above that you can get the most satisfactory answers to these questions. Value them and keep your connection with them in constant servicing. If you were out of tune with any, make immediate repair.

GOOD NEWS: My first eBook, The Mind: Your Amazing Power to Take Big Places, has been published. It is a very revealing and very empowering book. It is a must read. For a limited time, you can  Click here  to Download it for FREE. Many have already downloaded it.

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