You have some lack of money? If yes, don’t get scared because you’re not alone. Many people experience lack of money in the sense that often times, they don’t have enough money to do the things they would want to do. Just lack of money doesn’t make you poor because poverty is more than lack of money.

Poverty is a state of being poor. It is an enduring condition of subconscious (habitual) unhealthy thoughts. As a matter of fact, poverty goes beyond lack of money to not having enough food, education, healthcare and shelter.

However, both poverty and just lack of money have high motivational value. Whether you’re just broke, which is a temporary condition, or poor, which is a more serious and lasting condition, you can use it as an inspirational force to wealth.

The late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale penned down that, “…poverty was a source of motivation to some of our greatest Americans. It made them determined to lift themselves and their families to a better economic level. A powerful belief, usually derived from their religious training, made them believe that they could do so.” It is the same narrative in many other countries around the world.

From this we can see that despite their poor or challenging backgrounds, it was their positive attitude of faith in God and determination to succeed against those odds that fuelled their inspiration for a change of story. Even today, it is still in choosing the right set of wealth attitudes in response to circumstances of lack and poverty that make people change the circumstances.  

For instance, a few years ago, Robert FrankForbes had come out with a "self-made score" for its billionaires. A score of 1 meant that they inherited everything. A score of 10 meant that they grew up poor and overcame big obstacles. He quoted Forbes that in 1984, "less than half of those on The Forbes 400 were self-made; today, 69 percent of the 400 created their own fortunes."

Specifically, of Forbes 400, 34 grew up poor but overcame steep problems, 64 came from working-class background and rose from little to nothing, and 130 came from middle or upper-middle background.

That’s a total of 228, representing 57 percent of 400 billionaires. Meaning that, those who inherited fortune were less than those who made it on their own. We can deduce from this that lack of money and poverty will continue to inspire a greater number of people to grow rich than those who may not experience it at all.

So if you have no money in your pocket you don’t need to despair, you need inspiration. If there is no food in your house you don’t have to get bitter, you need inspiration. If you don’t have any job right now you don’t need to curse the government, you need inspiration. If your faith in God and determination for a financial breakthrough are weak, you don’t need to throw in the towel, you need inspiration. By reading this post up to this point, you’re drawing that inspiration.

Patanjali says, “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”  

Take these steps to utilize lack of money as inspirational force to riches.

(1) Believe that where you’re right now, is the best position to launch from: Get excited about your background and present conditions. See the opportunities, instead of the difficulties, in them. If God wanted mankind to be in a condition of continuous lack and want, He wouldn’t have created so much abundance of all things.

(2) Engage the force of inspiration. To inspire means “to stimulate somebody to do something”, “to provoke particular feeling”, or “to cause creative activity”. Inspiration in our context here simply means to get challenged by the success stories of others in the world that came from backgrounds of great poverty, difficulty, lack and even deprivations. Many people in your same set of circumstances or worse have been rewriting their stories. In this blog, I’ve been sharing such stories.

(3) Set a financial goal you want to accomplish and give it a timeline: Whenever you give your mind a goal, it goes to work on it. It finds all the connections in ideas, in people, and in resources. The more people-oriented the goal, the more inspirational and empowering it is.

(4) Draw up a definite plan of action, what to do about where you’re: We don’t wish away lack of money or poverty. We take practical steps such as what service to render to people, or whom to approach for input or something. You must act now.

(5) Decide a reward for yourself. Rewards inspire. Trophies and laurels motivate. David was highly motivated by the reward King Saul promised to give to the man who would kill Goliath. A number of times in the Bible, God uses rewards to encourage people to obey Him, take the right actions, or do good to others. But how often do we deny ourselves rewards when we have done well! Inspire yourself with an expectation of a reward that is worth the effort.

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