Hi friends, it’s good to be back. And what a time to break the silence, a time the world is full of many important things to talk about. One of such is Coronavirus Disease. The coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. It started in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019, that’s why it is otherwise called COVID-19. Most common symptoms are: fever, cough, tiredness, and difficulty in breathing (severe cases).

In less than three months, the epidemic is spreading like wild fire, cutting short lives and adversely affecting businesses across the globe. As Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general WHO highlighted on March 23, 2020 “The pandemic is accelerating. It took 67 days from the first reported case to reach the first 100,000 cases, 11 days for the second 100,000 cases and just 4 days for the third 100,000 cases. You can see how the virus is accelerating.”

Worldwide, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is close to 350,000, with at least 15,000 death tolls. Also, about 160 countries have reported cases of the disease so far.

Some analysts say that serious economic downturn is threatening. That with many businesses shutting down and sending workers home to stop the spread of the virus, a global recession is looming.

Be the situation as it may, there’s some good news and hope for you. You can and will win the war against COVID-19! You and your family will escape it. All of us can’t be consumed. There’s a God in charge of the world and its affairs. The world and every person in it is God’s greatest investment. As an all-wise God, He couldn’t have invested in vain. As clearly stated in Isaiah 45:18, “For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: ‘I am the Lord, and there is no other.’”

So God will not look the other way and allow His greatest investment to be wasted by COVID-19. Once in a while, due to man’s excesses, mistakes, commissions and omissions, God may allow certain things that expose the inadequacy of man’s knowledge, as well as the limitation of his science and technology, to take place in the world. In the end, God still comes to the rescue of man by giving him the wisdom to control these plagues. Many governments in the world are rising up to the challenge already, at least from the standpoint of medical measures.

God is a specialist in stopping plagues and causing epidemics and pandemics to cease. In a number of cases in the Bible, when the children of Israel offended God, and He allowed plague to come, on intervention by the person or people He appointed, the epidemic would cease. One of such cases was when the people protested against Moses for doing what God instructed him to do. On realizing that the epidemic had started, Moses asked Aaron to immediately sacrifice to appease God. When he did it, the plague stopped. As recorded in Numbers 16:47-48, “Then Aaron took it as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the assembly; and already the plague had begun among the people. So he put in the incense and made atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped.” However, by this time, they had already lost 14,700 people.

Another incident is recorded in Psalm 106:28-31, “They joined themselves also to Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices made to the dead. Thus they provoked Him (God) to anger with their deeds, and the plague broke out among them. Then Phinehas (a grandson of Aaron the priest) stood up and intervened, and the plague was stopped. And that was accounted to him for righteousness to all generations forevermore.” The death toll was 24,000 by the time the epidemic had ceased.

As a person, how can you win the coronavirus war?

First, resist the spirit of fear of coronavirus: Fear is a spirit. When you fear something, you submit to it. As a matter of fact, anything you fear will catch up with you. Job ran himself into that kind of trouble. As wealthy as he was, he feared that he could lose all and actually brought calamity upon himself and his family. He confessed this in Job 3:25, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.”

Second, build the attitude of victory: In one of my eBooks, The Mind: Your Amazing Power to Take Big Places, I’ve taken time to show that our greatest battles in life are fought in the mind – that is where we win or lose the war. The nature of our mind also makes us living magnets, and our faith or our fear act as drawing forces of what we believe or are afraid of, respectively.

So, don’t panic or fear. Let Psalm 91:10 be the anchor of your soul in times like this, “No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague (coronavirus) come near your dwelling.” In another book, Extraordinary Leadership Today, I explain that “attitude beats facts every time”. Your attitude reflects how you think, feel, and behave in a given situation. Indeed, our established habit of thoughts, habit of feelings, and habit of actions form our attitude.

Third, carry exemption mentality: Always carry the mentality that if certain bad things happen in your environment or the world, it will always be minus you and your family. After all, life is a choice. The decisions we make determine what we experience. The mentality that we are not a part of the evil that may befall some people will always make a way out for us. King David, the sweet psalmist of Israel, had that kind of mentality. Hear him in Psalm 91:7, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” Coronavirus will not come near you.

We’ll continue next week.

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