People who matter most in life are those who know their self-worth and believe in the indispensability of the value they were created to add to the world. No matter how you look at it, the world is incomplete without you.

The world is full of the ideas of people; people from all walks of life (scientists, engineers, doctors, business people, students, teachers, preachers, national leaders, etc), all kinds of family backgrounds (poor, middle-class, rich), all kinds of educational backgrounds (lowly educated, highly educated), all nationalities (blacks, whites), all ages (young, old) and from both sexes (males and females).

For example, people who had little formal education but have contributed greatly to the world include: William Shakespeare (poet and playwright), Abraham Lincoln (US president), Albert Einstein (physicist), Henry Ford (industrialist), Mark Twain (author), Steve Jobs (Apple co-founder), John D. Rockefeller (industrialist and billionaire), etc.

There are also many examples of people from poor backgrounds that became very rich. But the very few I want to present here are Jan Koum (founder of WhatsApp, the world’s largest mobile messaging service), and Cosmas Maduka, a multi-millionaire.

Koum, who was born in Ukraine, had it pretty rough as a growing up child. At 16 he followed his mother to California. Their accommodation there was at the mercy of government assistance. He swept floors at a local store in order to make both ends meet. Despite that challenging beginning, he found time to teach himself computer skills. In 2009 he cofounded WhatsApp. Facebook purchased WhatsApp for $22 billion in 2014.

Maduka, on the other hand, struggled all through his early years. The struggle started as early as four when he was selling bean cakes. At seven he left his mum to serve his uncle as an automobile apprentice. A few years after, he started a spare parts business with his brother, though that didn’t last due to differences in their business philosophies. Eventually he started his own business, Coscharis, with his wife. In the early 80s, he got a licence to import cars into Nigeria, his country of origin. Today, he’s the CEO of the Coscharis Group, a multi-million dollar company.

You were created to fill a purpose; you were made to provide a solution. You are a very scarce edition of the human stock. What you have to offer is rare. The problem is that you grossly underestimate the worth of what you carry on your inside and can offer to the world. If you passionately and consistently offer it, you’ll be shocked how so many people really value it.

Why you have something unique the world badly needs.

(i) We all think differently: The way we develop our minds through extensive reading and the degree to which we can discipline our thoughts also account for the differences in our mental output and uniqueness of what we can deliver to the marketplace or career place.

(ii) We have different genes:  In 10 million faces yours will stand out because you’re different from the rest. As your face is different, so is your ability. Among 10 million voices yours is very distinctive no matter which part you sing. Since we have noticeable outward differences that make us unique, it also implies that we have mental, emotional and biological differences that set us apart from others. Your differences in hereditary characteristics, DNA, make you able to deliver matchless contributions to life.

(iii) Our environmental exposure and differences in life experiences also culminate in our input differentials: Gregory Mitchell comments that we are born equal and have the same fundamental knowledge at birth. He also submits that though our senses and intelligence are at the same developmental place originally, yet everything in our environment has the potential to drastically influence our knowledge. This differentiates each of us from others and makes us able to add something exclusive to the world.

(iv) Our differences in character, habits and behavior also make us unique and capable of making distinctive inputs: Your character, habits, and daily behavior make you different from others. They also make you perceive reality differently. There are no two versions of you in the world. So don’t believe that others are there to provide the answers, and supply the solutions in the form of services or products. You’re the one the world waits for and trusts that you’ll best do it.

Do you know that a bird that sits on a branch is not afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but in its wings? So believe in yourself and in the worth and uniqueness of your talents, skills, ideas and knowledge. Deliver that exceptional input wherever you are. Only you can offer it in its original form. The world badly needs it.
